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Dr Kathryn Pomerantz

Dr Kathryn Pomerantz

I am an independent Consultant Educational and Child Psychologist and an experienced VIG practitioner and supervisor. I can offer VIG supervisions, mid point 1:1s, mid point group meetings and 1:1 accreditations. I am also available to contribute to VIG introductory training. I have been leading a VIG project across Derbyshire since 2018 supporting over 100 families. During this time I have supervised health visitors, school nurses, educational and clinical psychologists including VIG trainee practitioners working in perinatal mental health and adoption support. I have contributed to VIG initial training days. I have supported professionals towards achieving their mid points, accreditations and advanced practitioner status. I work from Matlock in Derbyshire and engage in most of my VIG work via zoom or Teams. I would be able to travel for some face to face work in the East Midlands by negotiation. I am very passionate about VIG and the future developments of AVIGuk and at the time of writing this I am in my fourth year as a Trustee on the Board of Trustees for AVIGuk. My working days are Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Company Number 08182188; Registered Charity 1178361

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