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VIG Spotlight

The March Lunchtime Live was presented by Hilary Kennedy, with a wonderful tribute to the vital work and passion of the late Colwyn Trevarthen. His legacy lives on in the work we all do - as Hilary said - "without Colwyn, simply put, VIG would not exist". 

Research Team


AVIGuk's new Research Team forms part of the Training, Development and Research Team. Our Joint CEO Hilary Kennedy is Research Lead, working with our new Research Coordinator, Dr. Oonagh Davies (part of our Events Team too).


They are developing this area, with the aim of supporting the sharing and publishing of research relating to VIG. All part of our mission to promote VIG, and show that it works! ​​They will keep adding useful links and sharing content on this page. To contact AVIGuk for any queries relating to research and VIG, or to share articles or content, please either message us via the Learning Platform or email us at



There are so many excellent research papers and articles that are important for VIG - directly or indirectly relevant. We are planning to highlight some Key Papers here, these ones our linked to our recent Lunchtime Live Legacy event, presented by Hilary Kennedy, regarding the work of Colwyn Trevarthen and the History of VIG. Click on the links below to read more.....

Research Database

The Research Team are busy developing a database, so that you can more easily search for relevant VIG, VERP, or related papers, peer-reviewed research, posters, conference presentations, newspaper articles, projects etc. If you know of any research or articles that should be included, do tell us..... and watch this space for when we launch it!

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Recent VIG Research

Worth reading is Kohn et al's  (2024) study, Remotely Delivered VIG for Families of Children With an Intellectual Disability Referred to Specialist Mental Health Services: Protocol for a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). This study considers the feasability of a larger RCT. 


​Kohn et al describe how children with an intellectual disability (ID) are far more likely to present with behaviors that challenge, and mental health problems, than typically developing children. Parenting and the quality of parent-child relationships are risk factors for these families. They discuss how remote family interventions - like VIG - could be an effective solution for both families and specialist mental health services. We'll publish their findings here too, so watch this space....

AVIGuk Research and Publishing Network​


Our research network is growing. This December we launched our first AVIGuk Research and Publishing Advisory Group Meeting. This group is comprised of VIG Supervisors with links to research and publishing. In the sections below, we will share useful links that have come from members of this group.

Public Speaker
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Useful links and websites

Patter is Pat Thomson, Professor of Education in the School of Education, The University of Nottingham. Pat blogs, writes and inspires  about research education, academic writing, public engagement, funding, and "other eccentricities". Definitely worth checking out.

We've been recommended this website for ideas about how and where to publish, and think it looks really helpful... do check it out and let us know what you think. 


Interested in open access publishing? This website has lots of useful links and ideas.


Again, please do share your feedback and ideas with us, or any other useful links you think we should include.


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