Training in VIG, Part 2
Getting started
This page is for practitioners who already understand what training in VIG involves and want to make the first steps to getting started. Further information about the VIG training process can be found on this website.
The first step is to select from the two main approaches -
Pay as You Go or Commissioned Project

Pay As You Go
This is the approach taken by most.
You may be an independent practitioner who is self-funding
You may be from an organisation that wants to train one or maybe more people in VIG and you will negotiate and pay for the various components as you go along.
You may already have an established team of VIG practitioners and are adding another one or two.
There are three things you need to do to get started.
Enrol for and attend an Initial Training Course. This is a private arrangement between you and the supervisor who is running the course. You need to do this step first. Thereafter ........
Secure the services of a supervisor. Again, this is a private arrangement. You may have a supervisor allocated to you but, if not, you can use the directory link below.
Register with AVIGuk. This involves a fee payable to AVIGuk to cover access to the online learning management system and some courses you take as part of your training.
Commissioned Project
This might suit you if you represent an organisation who is looking to appoint a supervisor who will manage the training project for you. This would include
advising on the setting up and running of the project
delivering all the components of training for a group of team members
dealing with registration with AVIGuk and paying their fees
providing consultancy to management on the various aspects of delivering VIG within your organisation