Commissioning VIG
This page is for managers of a services who may be interested in:
Introducing VIG to the organisation
Commissioning staff training

What is VIG?
Video Interaction Guidance is a strengths-based, brief intervention used internationally to promote attuned adult-child interaction, through developing adult sensitivity and attunement (Kennedy, H., Landor, M. & Todd, L. (eds) (2011).
VIG is one of the evidence-based video feedback interventions recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to promote secure attachment in children and young people in care, or at high risk of going into care (NICE NG26, 2015).
NICE recommends video feedback to support families with children with autism (NICE CG170, 2013, updated 2021), and to support the social and emotional well-being of children in their early years (NICE PH40, 2012).
VIG can be helpful in supporting families where there has been neglect. The NSPCC service evaluation (2015) documents VIG as an effective intervention in supporting parents to listen to, and understand, their children better. The NICE Guideline on Child abuse and neglect (NG76, 2017) recommends support for parent-child interaction. Although the Guidance does not explicitly mentioning video feedback, VIG is an intervention that can help to meet this goal.
NSPCC evaluation report:
Social worker: "I find VIG to be the most effective intervention in my toolkit to help parents gain confidence and build attachment with their children. The short turnaround and low number of sessions with VIG makes it particularly effective, as it fits in with the timescales of the child and court. I have used VIG successfully with families on PLO and child protection plans where there have been concerns about neglect."
Click here for more information about What is VIG?
Making the case for VIG
Before you are able to consider introducing VIG to your organisation, you may need to make a business case and secure funding, for example for a pilot project in VIG.
This zip file contains a number of documents that provide Guidance on Commissioning a VIG Service, with examples of:
Sample VIG Business Model
Sample Interim VIG Pilot Project Evaluation
Sample VIG Business Case application
These documents have been generously shared by VIG
practitioners and supervisors within the VIG community.
VIG training enhances relationship skills
VIG training is much more than acquiring skills to deliver another tool in a toolset. Trainees benefit from professional development which increases their attunement to clients, and their interpersonal effectiveness.
VIG training can have a positive impact on all working relationships, both with clients and colleagues.
Deputy manager, family support service: 'VIG has changed the way I interact with people. I have learnt to listen more than I talk. This has been particularly useful when I have found myself in challenging situations with staff. To be able to engage in attuned dialogue, to offer attuned guiding, and provide emotional containment, has empowered staff to make their own decisions, and feel heard and appreciated.'
Introducing VIG to your organisation
There are 3 key issues to consider when introducing VIG to your organization:
Information governance
Identifying staff for VIG training, and job planning

In addition to these 3 areas, you may also want to consider evaluation of client progress, and any outcome measures you may wish to use.
These issues are best addressed before you commission VIG training for staff, and before any staff attend the VIG Initial Training Course (ITC) – otherwise months can be lost between the ITC and actually starting VIG practice under supervision. During this time, trainees may lose the skills they gained during the ITC.
Information Governance
Information governance and GDPR compliance is a complex area. It is your organization’s responsibility to make sure that VIG work is GDPR compliant.
It is likely that you, or your Information Governance team, will need to do a Data Protection Impact Assessment. Click the button to see the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) guidance.
Your organization will need to develop a VIG Policy. AVIGuk is unable to give specific advice. Given the range of professionals practising VIG, in diverse settings, it is not possible for AVIGuk to provide a recommended policy or set of consent forms for client work. We do provide some suggestions on issues to consider when drawing up a VIG Policy and we can share some examples of data policies and consent forms being used by VIG practitioners, and which have been generously shared with the VIG community.
Once a staff member of your organization is training in VIG, and has a VIG supervisor, the supervisor may be able to help with thinking about these issues, and may be able to put you in touch with other people working in similar situations.
You may already have an in-house VIG supervisor who can provide this support, and who may also be available to provide VIG supervision and other aspects of the VIG training.
The AVIGuk Learning Platform provides a forum for raising issues, such as GDPR, consent forms, IT equipment etc, and sharing with other VIG practitioners.
If you have any queries about VIG and commissioning, please complete this form. We will get back to you.
Equipment for VIG
VIG trainees and practitioners use a range of IT equipment to practice VIG.
We recommend that you discuss equipment and editing software with your IT department.
Video recording of clients can be done using a variety of devices. A laptop is recommended for viewing clips in the shared review.
Equipment options include the following.
Encrypted high quality mobile phone for filming + laptop for showing the clips in the shared review.
iPad for filming and editing the client clips + laptop for showing the clips in the shared review.
Laptop with webcam (tripod recommended) for filming and editing the client clips, and the same laptop for showing the clips in the shared review.
iPad for filming and editing the client clips + second iPad for showing the clips in the shared review with the client.
Storage of videos needs to be secure – see Information Governance above.
You will also need to consider editing software (for editing client clips, and shared review clips for training purposes). There are options for both iPads and laptops. Your IT department can advise.
Some simple editing solutions are:
smart mobile phones
using PowerPoint
Windows Photos/Clipchamp for Microsoft Windows devices
iMovies on Mac devices
VLC Media Player.
Online Platforms
Many VIG supervisors are providing supervision online, using Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
VIG can also be practiced online. Clients can be filmed remotely by the VIG trainee, using MS Teams or Zoom. The edited clips can then be shared with the client using the same platform. The client needs a device such as a tablet, laptop or mobile phone.
Check with your IT department:
Which platform to use for online VIG supervision?
Agreement to use Zoom for AVIGuk training and CPD events
Agreement to carry out online VIG (if you think your service will offer this).
Identifying staff for VIG training, and job planning
VIG can be beneficial to staff at all levels, and from all backgrounds.
VIG is a self-directed training. Trainees are required to take responsibility for their own learning and progress.
When selecting staff for training, you may wish to consider:
their natural ability to communicate well with people
their capacity to be a self-directed learner
their willingness to learn new skills, including IT skills.
Some VIG supervisors require the VIG trainee and their line manager (or team lead) to sign a VIG Contract. The Contract outlines the responsibilities of the AVIGuk supervisor, VIG trainee and, where appropriate, the line manager/team lead who is responsible for the trainee’s clinical practice.
Responsibilities of the VIG trainee may include:
getting to know their organisation’s IT systems
getting to know the online platform chosen by their organization
dedicating time outside of supervision to familiarise themselves with resources available on the AVIGuk Learning Platform
ensuring that they follow organizational guidelines/policies in order to use VIG and keep video recordings safe.
Taking these actions will enable the trainee to use supervision time effectively, and practice safely.
Responsibilities of Line Manager/Team Lead may include:
ensuring the necessary IT equipment/editing software
supporting the trainee to identify clients appropriate for VIG intervention
allowing appropriate time for Trainee to carry out VIG training.
It is recommended that you allocate time within the trainee’s job plan for VIG client work, supervision, and writing supervision/learning records. This could be up to one half-day per week.
Outcome measures
Does your organisation already evaluate client change using outcome measures?
Are these measures also appropriate for VIG clients?
VIG practitioners use a range of outcome measures, including goal-based outcomes. Examples are available to trainees on the AVIGuk Learning Platform.
AVIGuk has developed a flexible Data Collection System which can help your team to show the impact of VIG Training. The system helps you to systematically collect data, before and after the VIG intervention.
The data can be qualitative and/or quantitative, including standardised measures. AVIGuk does recommend certain measures. However, if your organization already uses selected measures, these can be added to the Data Collection System.
Your organization will be able to request whole service data at least annually.
Commissioning staff training
VIG has an established UK training and accreditation programme which includes on-going video-reflective supervision, and rigorous accreditation criteria.

The VIG Initial Training Course (2 days) is a stand-alone course that introduces practitioners to VIG.
The training in VIG under supervision, to become a VIG Accredited Practitioner, usually takes between 18 and 24 months.
For full details of the structure, content, duration, and cost of training in VIG, please go to
What Code of Conduct applies to VIG Practitioners?

VIG practitioners will principally be governed by the Code of Conduct of their own profession and their employer.
In addition, AVIGuk protects the public in various ways.
We set standards of conduct, performance and ethical practice through our core values and beliefs, which are communicated to our registrants.
We set standards for registrants' training to ensure that all those completing an approved AVIGuk training meet the standards of proficiency required at each level of training.
We maintain a database of professionals who meet these standards.
We set standards of continuing professional development for all registrants.