What is AVIGuk?

Video Interaction Guidance was first developed in the Netherlands in the 1980's. Since then its use in the Netherlands has become widespread.
There are a variety of names given to the same method, with differences arising in terminology, training methods and materials. However, the approaches share the same core: the importance of intersubjectivity in the relationship between the parent and child, and in the relationship between client and practitioner.
The name ‘Video Interaction Guidance’, and the frameworks for training and practice in the United Kingdom, were based on the Dutch model; we call it ‘VIGuk’. VIGuk has been developed to provide greater structure for the training in VIG and accreditation.
The Association
From its inception, VIGuk was an informal collection of VIG supervisors, with an informal leadership.
The UK Association of Video Interaction Guidance (AVIGuk) was set up in 2012 to provide more direction and leadership for VIGuk.
AVIGuk is an incorporated limited company, and is registered as a charity.
People: Who are we?
All VIG supervisors are members of the AVIGuk company.
The structure of AVIGuk is
Board of Trustees
Executive Team
In addition, VIG supervisors, and others with relevant skills, contribute voluntarily to new developments approved by the Board as well as ongoing matters such as diversity.

The Board of Trustees
The board is responsible for setting the strategic direction and ensuring that the charity is administered in a way that it achieves its charitable objects. Trustees sit for one or two terms in this unpaid role.

Ruth Hind
I am a Clinical Psychologist and have worked in NHS CAMHS and Perinatal services. I am an advanced VIG practitioner and qualified VIG supervisor. I also co-facilitate The ITC. I work as an independent practitioner. I offer VIG supervision to trainees based in both Health and Local Authority settings. I have collaborated with a VIG colleague to successfully adapt VIG for medical doctors to support more effective communication with their patients.

Alison Annear
Alison is a Senior Educational Psychologist in a Local Authority in South Wales. Alison first became involved with Video Interaction Guidance in 2014, delivering VIG to families and schools in her role as an educational psychologist. Alison is further developing as a Trainee VIG Supervisor, and is enthusiastic to support the development of VIG in South Wales. Alison’s particular area of interest on the Board is training.

Ruth Clayton
Ruth is a Clinical Psychologist, and a VIG supervisor. Ruth is Programme Lead for the CYP-IAPT 0-2s, 0-5s and Parent Training programmes at the Psychological Therapies Training Centre (PTTC) in Manchester. She previously delivered and supervised VIG practice in a specialist CAMHS service for the 0-5 population. Ruth joined the AVIGuk Board in 2022, and has taken on the role of Board overseeing training/development and service user participation

Sarah Bailie
Sarah is a Principle Clinical Psychologist, and a VIG supervisor since 2017. Sarah is currently developing infant mental health services across Edinburgh and Lothian (Lothian Parent and Infant Relationship Service - PAIRS).Sarah’s focus is embedding VIG in Infant Mental Health services, in line with the Scottish Government investment in IMH. She previously worked at the North West CYP-IAPT 0-5 programme, and for Manchester’s 0-5 CAMHS services.

Martin Carey
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Martin is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, and a VIG Supervisor since 2011. Martin worked in Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services for 20 years before moving to the Psychological Therapies Training Centre (PTTC) in Manchester where he helps lead and deliver a range of IAPT courses, training practitioners in evidence-based therapies. Martin previously served as the Treasurer for AVIGuk; his area of interest on the Board is finance.
Executive team
The Executive Team is headed by the Chief Executives, Hilary Kennedy and David Gavine. The team includes:
AVIGuk Training Lead
Support officers
Finance Officer

Alison Whyte
Alison has been involved with AVIGuk since 2023. She has a background in office administration and information technology. She came on board to assist with implementing new software systems.

Hilary Kennedy
Chief Executive (Joint)
Hilary Kennedy brought Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) to the UK in the early 1990s, and continues to be a leading developer of VIG, working with VIG training projects in the UK, Mexico, Tanzania, Finland and Czech Republic.
Prior to retiring in 2008, Hilary worked as an Educational Psychologist in Tayside, and as a Professional Tutor in Educational Psychology, at the University of Dundee.
She is joint Chief Executive for AVIGuk, focusing on Training, Research and Development.

David Gavine
Chief Executive (Joint)
David has been involved in VIG since the 1990s: firstly, as a practitioner, then as a supervisor. As a Professional Tutor in Educational Psychology, at the University of Dundee, he worked with Hilary Kennedy to embed VIG in the content and philosophy of the course. Later, as Principal Educational Psychologist in Dundee, he continued to support the development of VIG.
Having retired from practice as a psychologist, David, along with colleagues Hilary Kennedy and Penny Forsyth, set up AVIGuk in 2012. Since then, David has had a key role in the development of AVIGuk's online systems.

Helen Gibson
AVIGuk Training Lead
Helen has been involved with VIG since the 1990s. She worked in the NHS for over 25 years prior to moving to independent work to focus on VIG.
Helen is now an independent VIG Supervisor and Trainer. Helen is co-author of the VIG Skills Development Scale: the competency framework used by AVIGuk to assess skill level for accreditation.
As the AVIGuk Training Lead, Helen leads the Training and Development and Events team in coordinating and developing the VIG training programme to ensure that training and events provided by AVIGuk is consistent, impactful and of high quality.

Oonagh Davies
Research Coordinator and Events Organiser
Oonagh is our new Research Coordinator, and part of AVIGuk’s Event Team, putting on 'Lunchtime Live' events and planning our next Cardiff Conference. As a VIG practitioner, Oonagh delivered VIG in schools with teaching staff and with families. As part of her previous role as a Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist she initiated and helped establish the development of VIG in a local authority, for NHS colleagues and the Educational Psychology Service. Working with Hilary, Oonagh is currently developing our Research Area... have a look at our webpage for more information.

Gurjit Matharu
Finance Officer
Gurjit has been involved with AVIG work since 2016, initially working directly with Hilary Kennedy. She was also responsible for updating events and training programmes on the AVIGuk platform, and organising various conferences.
In 2017, Gurjit's role developed further and she became AVIG's Finance Officer. Gurjit is part of the Executive Team.

Louise Harris
Support Officer
Louise accredited as a VIG practitioner in 2019. As a social worker employed by a local authority, Louise works mainly with families on the Edge of Care. She uses VIG to help families build on their strengths and avoid children coming into the care system. Louise also works independently as a social worker and VIG practitioner, and provides administration support for AVIGuk.

Marie Robertson
Support Officer
Marie has been an AVIGuk supervisor since 2011. Marie supervises on many infant mental health projects, along with tutoring on the Manchester IAPT 0-2 programme. Marie works independently, offering family risk assessments, and focusing on the child-parent attachment relationship.
Marie contributes to management of the AVIGuk Learning Platform, supporting members and supervisors.

Ava Carlon
Support Officer
Ava is one of AVIGuk’s Event Organisers. She works closely with Oonagh Davies and they are responsible for organising the annual AVIGuk International Conferences and other events such as our popular Lunchtime Live events.
Ava also works as part of the AVIGuk Registration Team, allocating learners and supervisors to the MidPoint Review and Accreditation courses.
She also supports the administration of AVIGuk's social media presence.
Ava is a VIG trainee practitioner and really enjoys using VIG to support families in the Flintshire (North Wales) area in their homes.